Pamela J. Perkins, Certified Weight & Wellness Coach

Category Archives: Motivation

Seven Steps To Replacing Old Behaviors

Here it is! The start of a New Year! Out with the “old” and in with the “new” …Behaviors, that is!  But how to begin? I remember a client I worked with many years ago who struggled with just that issue; the feelings of being overwhelmed and of anxiety that starting anything “new” can hold.Continue Reading

Holiday & Vacation Planning Worksheet

Having a plan for holidays or vacations will help you achieve your weight goal while reducing stress so you can enjoy time with family and friends. Take this time to answer the following questions to help insure your success during upcoming events. If you don’t have an event planned or don’t know the details yet, thisContinue Reading

Keep It Moving!

Summer is in high gear and two things we can count on are warm days and cool mornings.  Are you taking advantage of all the outdoor activities you planned to this summer? Biking, hiking, swimming, skating – the list goes on and on.  And here’s the best part: it’s all exercise! Call it what you want,Continue Reading


What is your motivation? I love how every new year is full of endless possibilities for a fresh start. This is one of those topics that can’t be excluded from any weight loss success story. Before you begin this journey to “lose weight” as many term it so simply, we can’t deny that additional thoughtContinue Reading

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