Pamela J. Perkins, Certified Weight & Wellness Coach

Category Archives: Weight Loss

Holiday & Vacation Planning Worksheet

Having a plan for holidays or vacations will help you achieve your weight goal while reducing stress so you can enjoy time with family and friends. Take this time to answer the following questions to help insure your success during upcoming events. If you don’t have an event planned or don’t know the details yet, thisContinue Reading

Keep It Moving!

Summer is in high gear and two things we can count on are warm days and cool mornings.  Are you taking advantage of all the outdoor activities you planned to this summer? Biking, hiking, swimming, skating – the list goes on and on.  And here’s the best part: it’s all exercise! Call it what you want,Continue Reading

Protein – A Key Component of Weight Loss/Maintenance Success

“Foods that are high in protein often have the added benefits of being lower in fat and are a complete source of amino acids which are imperative in building muscle, which in turn allows you to burn more fat even while in a resting state” according to J.K Allen, ehow contributor. A study reported inContinue Reading

Keep a Food Journal

Whether using an on-line system or a paper journal, your commitment to this valuable tool will help define your long-term success. According to Jennifer R. Scott, former Guide, here’s why: You can have an honest view of your current habits. It’s the key to finding the way of eating you can live with. ItContinue Reading

Water Water Everywhere!

No, I’m not talking about our wild spring weather – I’m talking about our body’s need for water! Heartburn? Stomach ache? Low back pain? Headache? Mental irritation and depression? Water retention? Dehydration can present itself it any of these forms. According to Dr. Thomas Stearns Lee, “It has become a practice to regard “dry mouth”Continue Reading

Measure Your Progress

Weigh yourself. Whether the goal is weight loss or weight maintenance, the scale is a tool to gauge your progress. Remember: The scale is your friend! It is useful information, not your indicator of success. According to, partner with the Lance Armstrong Foundation, “how often you weigh yourself depends on whether frequent weighing bolstersContinue Reading

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